Wednesday, March 28, 2007


How silly...

Spring is here, but we haven't had a drop of rain yet.
Getting wet with the sprinkler.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Character Breakfast

Sofia and Mommy had breakfast with several well known characters.
Here are a few:
The Lion from Wizard of Oz
Cinderella's Fairy Godmother
Wendy, Tikerbell, Peter Pan and Annie

At the Zoo

Saturday, March 10, 2007

A Few Pictures...

Andrea playing quietly...a rare thing.

A day with our cousins

The Suazos came up from Atlanta to visit and play with us.

Charlie the youngest of the bunch, as cute as can be.

Harry, Sofia and Lorena watching TV.

Snow Day

Sofia's Haircut

Carolina's birthday party

Carolina cutting her cake.

Sofia ridding the horse.
Our friend Carolina Wilson turned 3. She had her party at Eden Farms. The kids were able to ride on 2 of their horses and they also fed the donkey, goats and a couple of their horses. It was a lot of fun.